October 5, 2024

Lead Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell avoided visiting White House because of COVID

GOP leader Mitch McConnell, 78, revealed on Thursday he had not visited the White House since August because of the way the administration has mishandled Covid-19.

The Senator for Kentucky said he spoke to the president repeatedly over the phone but had not attended since August 6th.

Mr McConnell contrasted the White House against the Senate, where colleagues are urged to social distance and wear masks.

His comments came on the heels of the breaking news of multiple White House COVID-19 infections, including President Donald Trump.

Since the President’s Covid-19 diagnosis, over twenty people in his circle and staff at the White House have reported COVID-19 infections. First Lady Melania Trump, advisor Stephen Miller and press secretary Kayleigh McEnany are among those who tested positive.

Senators Mike Lee and Thom Tillis also tested positive after attending a White House event, described as a “super-spreader event.

Another Senator, Ron Johnson, did not attend the event, but also tested positive.

It is believed as many as thirty-four White House staffers and other contacts have been recently infected with the virus.