October 5, 2024

Uttarakhand dam disaster kills 49 leaves 150 missing

Emergency workers in Northern India are searching for as many as 150 people after a huge flood was triggered after a piece of a Himalayan glacier is believed to have fallen into a river.

The floodwaters destroyed a dam and a tidal of water rushed through a valley in the state of Uttarakhand on Sunday.

Most of the missing are believed to be workers from the hydropower plants.

Rescue efforts are focused on multiple locations, including a tunnel more than 200 metres (656ft) long.

More than 30 people were trapped inside when the torrent of icy water swept down the valley, tossing earth and rocks as it accelerated.

There has been zero contact with the workers since Sunday, and officials say it is hard to tell where in the tunnel they are and whether they are together. 

Hundreds of troops, paramilitaries and military helicopters have been sent to the area to assist with the search & rescue. 

Rescue workers and locals have been using shovels and mechanical diggers to try and clear the tunnels entrance. 

NDTV reported that rescuers had also been seen with wooden planks to assist them wading through the dense mud. 

An investigation is continuing into what caused the glacial burst although researchers & scientists have already suggested global warming a factor in the glacial breach.
