October 5, 2024

Space X SN10 flies, lands and blows up

Boca Chica, USA – Elon Musk’s Mars rocket prototype just made its first landing, but shortly after it went boom.

SN10 reached its targeted altitude of 6 miles, cutting off each engine in series on the way up to throttle down and hit the desired apogee. The rocket then began an extended picturesque period of free fall, before firing the engines back up to perform its trademark flip maneuver to make a vertical landing. After a six-minute journey, SN10 came to rest on the pad at SpaceX’s facility in Boca Chica.

It didn’t seem like a perfect landing and there appeared to be a slight lean in the Starship’s massive stainless steel frame, but it stay steady. Then, several minutes after the landing, the Starship exploded. Flames erupted from the bottom of the vehicle and sent it for an unscheduled second trip up.

SpaceX founder Elon Musk has said the SN Starship series is designed to eventually reach orbit, hopefully sometime next year. The last two high-altitude flights of these prototypes have triggered investigations from the Federal Aviation Administration.

Watch the amazing footage here –
