July 6, 2024

FBI arrest 13 militia members over plot to abduct Michigan Gov Gretchen Whitmer

The FBI stated today it intervened in a plot to abduct Michigan’s Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

Coronavirus septics began to target Gov. Whitmer recently after she enacted strict measures of mitigation that were subsequently overturned by a Judge last week

Officials say the kidnapping plot involved six men who planned to hold a “treason trial” for her. 

Gov. Whitmer commented “Hatred, bigotry and violence have no place” and further described the accused as “depraved”.

A sworn FBI affidavit, indicated an undercover law enforcement officer attended a June meeting in Dublin, Ohio, where the group of militia members discussed overthrowing state government stating they “believed were violating the US Constitution”.

Thirteen suspect were arrested. 

Six men are accused in federal court of plotting the abduction and allegedly planned to hold a “treason trial” against Gov. Whitmer.

They were named as Barry Croft, Adam Fox, , Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris, Brandon Casert and Ty Garbin. Authorities raided Mr. Garbin’s residence on Wednesday.

The other seven face charges of gang-related and terrorism offences in state court in connection with the alleged kidnap plot.

They are Paul Bellar, Eric Molitor, Shawn Fix, Pete Musico, Michael Null, William Null, and Joseph Morrison.

The group planned to gather about “200 men” to storm the capitol building and take hostages, including the governor. They further hoped to commit this action before the November presidential election. If that failed, they had a backup plan to attack Gov. Whitmer at her Michigan home, officials say.