July 3, 2024

Infamous ex-Montreal cop known as ‘Agent 728’ fails in bid to have conviction overturned

Montreal, Canada – Stefanie Trudeau, the infamous former Montreal police officer who became known as “Agent 728,” has failed in her bid to have her criminal conviction overturned.

The ex-officer was appealing a 2016 decision that found her guilty of assault on Rudi Ochietti who she found walking the streets carrying a bottle of beer. Trudeau, then an SPVM officer, arrested him with force along with another man, Serge Lavoie. In the course of the arrest, she assaulted Lavoie. She received a one-year suspended sentence and 60 hours of community service.

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Trudeau’s lawyer argued before the Quebec Court of Appeal that judge Daniel Bedard made several errors of law during her trial, on a charge of assaulting a civilian during that arrest.

The appellate decision agreed. “Justice Bédard made manifest and decisive errors finding that the appellant had no reasonable grounds to proceed to the arrest of Mr. Ochietti and that, as a result, she no longer acted in the performance of her duties.”

The appellate court said that Trudeau’s actions had, in fact, been performed under duress, in the heat of the action, in opposition to what Bedard had initially declared. Bedard also considered Trudeau’s personal situation in his ruling and qualified one of Trudeau’s arrests as “brutal,” which he shouldn’t have done, the appellate court ruled.

But the appellate judges ultimately decided that Bedard’s decision, despite its errors, was reasonable, carefully balanced and had properly considered the public interest in making his decision.

The Court of Appeal denied Trudeau’s attempt to appeal her conviction and refused to hear the appeal on her sentence.