July 3, 2024

Maryland police handcuff and berate 5 year old

Montgomery, USA – Police body camera footage which shows two Maryland police officers berating and handcuffing a 5 year old has gone viral.

It was recorded in January 2020 and contains disturbing content on how police dealt with the youngster who had left school without permission.

Montgomery County Council member Will Jawando said in a tweet, “I watched in horror as what can only be described as a nightmare unfolded for nearly an hour. It made me sick.”

The video starts with police finding the unidentified boy, on what appears to be a residential street in southern Maryland.

“Listen to me. How old are?” an unidentified officer questions the boy.

The child answers, “Five.”

“Five? You feel like you can make your own decisions? You feel like you can do what you want?” the officer continues.

The child becomes agitated and begins to cry and scream. Police walk the boy to the back of the patrol car and continue to shout at him.

“You better stop,” the boy is warned.

As the video continues, there is an escalation in the interactions between law enforcement officers and the child. The boy cries and becomes inconsolable as police repeatedly tell him that he is “bad” and should be beaten.

“Does your mama spank you? Does your mama spank you? She’s going to spank you today,” one of the officers continues.

When the boy doesn’t stop crying, A police officer screams just inches from his face because the boy won’t stop crying. Later, after the child was reunited with his mother, a police officer takes out at a pair of handcuffs and places the little boy’s wrists inside them.

“You know what these are for? These are for people who don’t want to listen and don’t know how to act,” the officer tells the child.

Montgomery County police said in a statement that both officers are still employed with the department following an internal investigation, whose complete findings remain confidential under Maryland law.

The boy’s mother filed a lawsuit earlier this year against Montgomery County, Montgomery County Public Schools and the Montgomery County Police Department seeking compensation for the child’s trauma.

Montgomery County school officials said the video is “extremely difficult for us to watch.”

Edited video here –
