July 6, 2024

Ontario’s COVID-19 vaccine passport system will start Sept. 22

Ontario, Canada – Ontario’s COVID-19 vaccine passport system takes effect Sept 22nd.

That gives eligible residents who are not yet vaccinated three weeks to get started on shots that will allow them into a number of non-essential venues such as theatres, gyms, indoor dining at restaurants and sporting events.

Grocery stores and other retailers will not be included in the system because they are deemed essential.

Ontarians who are vaccinated will be able to download proof of vaccination, showing it, along with government identification, for entry into fitness centres, the movies and sporting events.

Just over 76 per cent of eligible Ontarians over age 12 are fully vaccinated, and almost 84 per cent have had at least one dose. The government hopes the passport plan will boost vaccination rates with the more contagious Delta strain of COVID-19.

Premier Doug Ford will announce details at 1 pm following days of internal debate on how to roll out the system he had long rejected before a change of heart last week.

The plan had been expected Tuesday but recommendations were sent back to be reworked.

“The policy that was initially proposed was overly complicated and inconsistent,” a government source said.

For weeks, a growing number of business, medical and academic organizations had been calling for a provincial system to avoid a hodgepodge of separate vaccination policies being announced by companies, colleges, universities, hospitals, banks and major sports teams.

Many required staff, customers or both to be fully vaccinated for entry or show negative COVID tests.

Infectious diseases specialist Dr. Isaac Bogoch of University Health Network said vaccine passports can be a “helpful” tool.

“Vaccinated people are less likely to be infected and less likely to transmit (it lowers, but doesn’t eliminate risk),” he added on Twitter before Ford’s announcement.

“Vaccine passports will not end the pandemic. They will not create perfectly safe indoor spaces. They are an added layer of protection to help create safer indoor spaces.”