July 1, 2024

Policies & Standards


Here are the editorial principles that provide the foundation for Hungry Monkey:


Hungry Monkey has responsibilities to its readers and its employees. But the operation of a news/ social media organization is, above all, a public trust. The overriding responsibility of our daily output is to the democratic society.

Freedom of expression and freedom of the press must be defended against intrusion from any quarter, public or private. Our journalists and writers must ensure that public business is conducted in public. We must remain vigilant against all who would take advantage of journalists and their news organizations for self serving purposes.

Journalists who abuse the influence which comes with their professional roles for selfish motives or inappropriate purposes are faithless to that public trust and ultimately useless as journalists.


Hungry Monkey as a news organization will provide a forum for the interchange of information and opinion. This should provide for the expression of contrasting and conflicting views. They should give opinion to the interests of minorities as well as majorities, and a public forum for free speech when appropriate.


The foundation of ethical and excellent journalism is accuracy and the truth that supports those facts. Every endeavor must be made to ensure that everything we publish is presented fairly with accurate context.

Integrity in journalism requires that even minor errors of facts in issue, as well as errors of intentional omission, should be corrected immediately and as its own seperate posted story.


Independence from anyone we cover is a key principle of journalistic integrity and at Hungry Monkey we are not beholden to shareholders or CEO’s. Conflicts of interest or even the appearance of conflicts must be avoided at all costs to retain journalistic integrity.

In the unusual circumstances where it may not be possible to avoid a conflict of interest, we will disclose ithe conflict or the perception of a conflict of interest in bold at the beginning of any story.


Whilst an integral part of any news organization, to be impartial does not require a news organization to be unquestioning or to refrain from journalistic or editorial opinion.

Good practice, however, needs a clear separation for readers between news and opinion. All content that contains opinion or personal/ professional analysis will be clearly identified as ‘opinion’ or ‘analysis.’

Please contact us directly with comments or concerns at https://hungrymonkey.org/contact/