July 6, 2024

Venezuelan floating oil facility under repairs amid environmental concerns

A floating oil facility off Venezuela’s eastern coast is currently undergoing repairs, according to a source familiar with the situation. Images showing the crude-laden vessel at an incline have raised concerns about possible environmental hazards and clearly in distress.

The Nabarima ia a floating storage and offloading (FSO) facility is operated by the Petrosucre joint venture between Italy’s Eni and company Petroleos de Venezuela, Venezuela’s state oil company.

About 1.3 million barrels of crude oil is still stuck on the vessel, which is located in the Paria Gulf between Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela.

Gary Aboud, corporate secretary of Trinidadian environmental group Fishermen and Friends of the Sea, stated he was concerned about the likelihood of a potential oil spill, which would be devastating to the livelihoods of the country’s fishermen.

“If this thing flips we will all pay the consequences for decades to come,” Aboud stated. “This should be red alert.”

An Eni spokesperson said Friday that the company was attempting to offload the crude oil from the vessel, and had requested a authority from the United States government in order to prevent any sanctions risk.